Donate now to your favorite local nonprofits!

Organizations around the world come together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on end-of-year giving. In our sixth year, Yellow Springs is one of more than 80 communities nationwide that has our own #GivingTuesday movement to benefit local nonprofits.
This year, almost three dozen nonprofits in Yellow Springs have come together to coordinate a local #YSGivingTuesday campaign. Held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, this is your opportunity to kick off the holiday season by giving to your favorite local nonprofit(s).
80% of funds raised by each nonprofit will go directly to them, and 20% will go to their field of interest endowment fund. Information about planned giving can be found at YSCF’s website: Give for Today, Plan for Tomorrow. You can also donate with CRYPTOCURRENCY, .
Number of Donations
Number of Dollars
*2016 includes Antioch College direct donations. Numbers are approximate and updated periodically.
Many thanks to the Morgan Family Foundation, Yellow Springs Community Foundation, Logical Solutions, and Bing Design for their generous support of this YSGivingTuesday website.