Student Miller Fellows
Miller Fellows are unique opportunities for students to work in paid positions with our local nonprofit organizations. Miller Fellows help foster multigenerational engagement between students and the Yellow Springs community by serving local area nonprofits. These opportunities demonstrate to students the importance the Miller brothers placed on service to the community in which they lived.

Encore Miller Fellows
In 2018, the Foundation added Encore Miller Fellowships. The Encores are based on the national Encore program, which seeks to engage those in midlife and beyond to use their invaluable life and work experience to make a positive social impact on communities.
Encore positions are a result of further innovation on the part of the Yellow Spring Community Foundation to implement the Miller brothers’ legacy. They are an expanded benefit to Antioch College, Yellow Springs, and our local nonprofit organizations. It is a vision of collaboration and service, of bridging the gap between generations, and of bringing students and community together. The Encore Miller Fellows work in our local nonprofits, mentor student Miller Fellows, and identify specific projects and initiatives as their work takes shape.
This inclusion of the Encore Miller Fellows fits the Miller brothers’ desire for their legacy to recognize intergenerational connections at local nonprofit organizations and their importance to the community, such as the support the Yellow Springs Senior Center gave to them in their later lives.
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Congratulations Miller Program for 10 Years of Community Collaboration
200 Miller Fellow Ambassadors
6 Encore Miller Fellows
25+ Nonprofits Host Organizations Served
6 Nonprofit Leadership Institutes Held
14 Youth Action Board Ambassadors
4 Host Organization Roundtables
4 Miller Fellow Ambassador Roundtables
8 Assignment [Job] Fairs