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Copyright in the text materials contained in this web site is owned by the Yellow Springs Community Foundation. These materials may be used, downloaded, reproduced
Copyright in the text materials contained in this web site is owned by the Yellow Springs Community Foundation. These materials may be used, downloaded, reproduced
501(c)(3) Section of the Internal Revenue Code that designates an organization as charitable and tax-exempt. Organizations qualifying under this section include religious, educational, charitable, amateur
Nonprofits | Endowment Funds Directory
The scholarship will be given to a qualifying Yellow Springs High School senior pursuing studies in journalism, public policy, science & society, advocacy or writing.
A deserving YSHS student is selected by the Corbin scholarship committee. 2024-25 is the last year of this scholarship.
A deserving student is selected by the Gudgel scholarship committee.
Yellow Springs Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows #279 will present one or more awards to a school of the student’s choice. Award amounts are
Bulldog Scholarship awards up to $1000, or two awards of up to $500 each Please write two short essays answering the following prompts: Tell us
Established 2015 The purpose of this fund is to provide funds to support scholarships given in honor of former teachers Kit Crawford, Pat Dell, Jeanie
The link below takes you directly to the 50th Reunion Scholarship online donation page. Please put the graduation year (example: Class of 1972) and the allocation of the donation between “Leadership” and “Vo/Tech” (for Vocational/Technical) in the Donation Notes field.
Copyright © 2025 Yellow Springs Community Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Please fill out the form below to contact YSCF or call 937-767-2655.