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Copyright in the text materials contained in this web site is owned by the Yellow Springs Community Foundation. These materials may be used, downloaded, reproduced
Copyright in the text materials contained in this web site is owned by the Yellow Springs Community Foundation. These materials may be used, downloaded, reproduced
501(c)(3) Section of the Internal Revenue Code that designates an organization as charitable and tax-exempt. Organizations qualifying under this section include religious, educational, charitable, amateur
Nonprofits | Endowment Funds Directory
$700 Scholarship This scholarship honors the legacy of the YSKP’s Mission to put youth on the ground floor of artistic endeavors or innovative initiatives with
Purpose: for the YSHS Class of 2004 to honor our classmates who have passed away: Emily Bailey, Arla Smith, Jaeceb Chima, Meghan Murphy, Lauren Goodrick,
The Virginia Willey Senior Project Award, up to $500 award from the YSCF, Willey Senior Project Endowment. Thoughtfully given to the YSHS senior(s) with the
Purpose: to support and encourage YSHS students showing great promise in the performing arts Awards: Martin Bakari Award ($1,000) and the Maria Bakari Encouragement Award
The Hellin Scholarship for Future Thinkers is intended to incentivize students to research and think critically about the future they are planning for themselves. Up
The purpose of this FUND is to provide financial support in the way of a one-time scholarship (up to $1,000, or possibly two scholarships) for
Up to $6,000 will be available annually to one or more graduating high school seniors who are Yellow Springs or Miami Township residents and who
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