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Dharma Center Endowment Fund

This Endowment is intended to provide the Dharma Center with financial stability into the future. Since the founding in 1993 the Dharma Center has grown to become an integral part of the Yellow Springs Community, and wishes to provide the opportunity to make a contribution to the long term health of the Center through this new Endowment fund.

The Yellow Springs Dharma Center seeks to create an environment which supports the growth of all beings toward enlightenment. The term enlightenment in the Buddhist religion refers to an individual’s awakening to our mind’s true nature, which is normally obscured by negative emotions such as pride, jealousy and anger. This environment should support the development of compassion, generosity, and clarity in our community. The center exists to promote an awareness of the effects of our thoughts, words and actions in our world. The center functions as a residential community for a small number of Buddhist practitioners, a practice center for non-resident members, and as an educational center for the wider community. The center is a place for meditation and the study of Buddhist teachings (Dharma) serving various Buddhist traditions. The center facilitates daily meditation practice, seminars, workshops, and retreats and operates a lending library of books, magazines and audiotapes.

Contact Jeannamarie Cox

Contact Brianna Ayres

Contact Melissa Heston

Contact Chloe Manor

Contact Mychael Roberts

Contact Sara Miller Gray

Contact Kim McCarthy

Donate with ACH Electronic Transfer

Please fill out the form below to contact YSCF or call 937-767-2655.

Contact the Yellow Springs Community Foundation