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Valentine’s Day Gift to YSCF

$18.2 million is spent each year on flowers, candy and gifts on Valentine’s Day. Imagine what we could accomplish if we all chose to put that money into our local community. Donate to YSCF Valentine’s Fund to make a loving impact in your local community today.

Thinking of a unique gift this year for Valentine’s Day? Want to show your love to your loved one in a unique way? Consider an “Alternative Gift” in honor of your Valentine. We’ll even name your sweetheart “in honor of” your gift in a thank-you email.

Contact Jeannamarie Cox

Contact Brianna Ayres

Contact Melissa Heston

Contact Chloe Manor

Contact Mychael Roberts

Contact Sara Miller Gray

Contact Kim McCarthy

Donate with ACH Electronic Transfer

Please fill out the form below to contact YSCF or call 937-767-2655.

Contact the Yellow Springs Community Foundation