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Miller Intergenerational Staffing Grants

Nonprofit Miller Fellow Employers

Nonprofits within Yellow Springs and Miami Township can apply in the fall for a Student/Encore Miller Fellow who will be employed at their nonprofit for one year, learning about the nonprofit’s mission and philanthropy, and working in an intergenerational environment. 

Application Process for Miller Intergenerational Staffing Grants

The Yellow Springs Community Foundation’s Miller Intergenerational Staffing Grants assist area nonprofits by providing grants to hire both younger and older folks to help with community projects and daily operations of nonprofit organizations. The Miller Endowment was created to encourage young people and seniors to learn and develop service to their community by engaging in work with local nonprofits. Area nonprofits can hire a Student Fellow (up to 25 years of age) or an Encore Fellow (50+years in age).

Student Miller Fellows

Nonprofits can identify and hire Student Fellows at any time during the year. Eligibility requirements for Student Miller Fellows:

  • A resident of Yellow Springs/Miami Township 25 years old or younger, preferably a degree or certificate seeking college student or student taking a gap year. Preference should be given to Antioch College students.
  • The identified Student Miller Fellow can be a current employee of the nonprofit if they meet the requirements above.

Encore Miller Fellows

Nonprofits can identify and hire Encore Fellows at any time during the year. Eligibility requirements for Encore Miller Fellows:

  • A Yellow Springs/Miami Township resident 50 years of age or older.
  • Someone highly interested in and/or experienced in nonprofit work
  • The identified Encore Miller Fellow can be a current employee of the nonprofit if they meet the requirements above.

Nonprofits awarded grant monies for Miller Fellows will manage the funds to pay Miller Fellows directly.

”Glen Helen has been hosting Miller Fellows since the program began. They work with us at the Raptor Center, out on the trails, and as part of our public-facing work. I love the fact that they are learning meaningful workplace skills while helping us fulfill the work of the organization. They help us make a difference, and we are grateful to them, and to the YSCF for making this program possible.”
Nick Boutis
Executive Director, Glen Helen Association

Congratulations Miller Program for 10 Years of Community Collaboration

200 Miller Fellow Ambassadors

6 Encore Miller Fellows

25+ Nonprofits Host Organizations Served

6 Nonprofit Leadership Institutes Held

14 Youth Action Board Ambassadors

4 Host Organization Roundtables

4 Miller Fellow Ambassador Roundtables

8 Assignment [Job] Fairs

Contact Jeannamarie Cox

Contact Brianna Ayres

Contact Melissa Heston

Contact Chloe Manor

Contact Mychael Roberts

Contact Sara Miller Gray

Contact Kim McCarthy

Donate with ACH Electronic Transfer

Please fill out the form below to contact YSCF or call 937-767-2655.

Contact the Yellow Springs Community Foundation