October, 2021
The class of 1965 has been supporting the 50th Reunion Leadership Scholarship since the beginning in 2017! We have joined with the other 50th Reunion classes to give 5 scholarships to 5 amazing YSHS seniors:
Augie Knemeyer
Aiden Hackett
Dylan Rainey
Jane Meister
Arielle Johnson
All of these students are now busy working at reaching their potential and are on their way to becoming compassionate and caring future leaders.
The class of 1965 has proudly donated $18,000 to the 50th Reunion Leadership Scholarship! Our class got a great education in Yellow Springs and we plan to continue to give back by supporting our present YSHS students.
We invite all classes to join us!
“For it is in giving that we receive”
– St. Francis of Assisi
June, 2019
The class of 1965 joined the classes of ‘66 and ‘68 in a mini fundraiser the month of April to add to the $25,000.00 endowment level which we reached in June of 2018. These three alumni classes raised over $7000.00 which allowed us to raise the 2019 scholarship to $2000.00 this year!
In May the 2019 50th Reunion Scholarship was awarded to Dylan Rainey. Dylan will head off to Ohio University in the fall to study political science. We wish Dylan much success as he pursues his dreams and becomes one of our future leaders.
The class of 1965, which has raised almost $13,000.00 for the 50th Reunion Scholarship is proud to be a part of this “experiment in generosity” which allows alumni to help present day YSHS seniors.
We look forward to welcoming the class of 1969 and hope they join us in making a difference! Together we can encourage YSHS seniors to dream often, dream big, and make their own difference!
“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world”
– Anne Frank
July, 2018
The year of 2018 started out with the excitement of knowing the class of 1965 would be selecting the 2018 recipient of the 50th Reunion Scholarship. What an honor for us!
Our selection committee (Dawn, Jim, Sally) was organized in February and reviewed applicants in April. The selection of Aiden Hackett was made and Aiden received his scholarship May 18 at the YSHS Awards Night.
Aiden is a very deserving recipient of the 50th Reunion Scholarship. He is academically motivated and his interests lie in the areas of mathematics and science (biology in particular). Aiden also has a passion for jazz music and plays a mean jazz piano! Aiden will be pursuing these interests as he heads off to Ohio State University in the Fall. Our very best to you, Aiden, as you take the next step towards pursuing your dreams!
To honor Aiden, the class of 1965 held a “Celebrate Aiden” fundraiser the month of May. We raised an additional $3510.00 to add to our major fundraiser in 2017 where we raised $6775.00. The class of 1965 has now proudly raised $10,285.00 for the 50th Reunion Scholarship!
On June 22, 2018, the 50th Reunion Scholarship reached the endowment level having raised $25,173.00! Having reached the endowment level, there is no limit to how many future deserving YSHS seniors we can help! We hope all future 50th Reunion classes join us as together we CAN make a difference!
“I’ve learned that you can’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.”
— Maya Angelou
January, 2018
When Mike Hughes and the class of 1966 contacted the class of 1965 to participate in the 50h Reunion Leadership Spirit Scholarship, we wholeheartedly jumped on board to make it a class project!
There was lots of communication, ideas, and enthusiasm during our initial ten week drive from July 3 through September 8, 2017. We were asked to raise $5000.00, however we set our goal at $6000.00 and soon raised it to $6500.00. In the end, the class of 1965 raised $6775.00!
The first recipient of this scholarship award, selected by the class of 1966, was Augie Knemeyer, grandson of Mike Knemeyer and great nephew of Heide Knemeyer Zadonc, both 1965 classmates. What an honor for us! And now we have been asked to select the 2018 Scholarship recipient and present the scholarship award at the YSHS Awards Day in May 2018!
Yellow Springs is a very special place to all of us who grew up here. The class of 1965 is very proud to be part of the 50th Reunion Scholarship through which we can make a small difference in the lives of future YSHS graduates. These scholarship recipients will now dream big, go out and make their own difference, and become our future leaders! We invite every reunion class to join us. Together we can all make a difference!
“No man is so tall as when he stoops to help a child.”
– Abraham Lincoln